Data Warehousing
AfroCentric Technologies’ Data Warehouse solutions are based on over a decade of experience in deploying healthcare specific business intelligence solutions. We provide one of the largest and most comprehensive private healthcare Data Warehouse facilities in Africa.

Data Warehousing
AfroCentric Technologies’ Data Warehouse solutions are based on over a decade of experience in deploying healthcare specific business intelligence solutions. We provide one of the largest and most comprehensive private healthcare Data Warehouse facilities in Africa.

"What you measure will improve."

Data Warehousing Features
Through our Data Warehouse, we host solutions for a wide variety of health insurance funds, medical administration initiatives and managed care or wellness programs.
Our data stores secure the data of almost 3.3 million active individuals, as well as 15 million historical persons, recorded over the past 20 years of our operations.
Having access to such information enables your management team to base their decision making on fact rather than pure intuition, ensuring decisions are made with the interests of real-world patients in mind.
Additionally, a wealth of stored demographic and behavioural statistics offer an unrivalled basis for comparative analysis. Our data warehouses enable meaningful reporting derived from a business intelligence platform built from the ground up to leverage vital information whenever necessary.
We base our business intelligence platform upon recognised best practice principles and leading industry technologies, bringing you up to par with the most modern medical decision-makers in the world.

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